Signs of Infidelity
Warning signs of infidelity can take many forms but if you know which signs to look for, it can make this difficult investigative journey a bit easier and eventually you can have "Peace of Mind". Infidelity can present in many ways, but usually it begins as emotional infidelity and then progresses to sexual infidelity.
A person's gut instinct is usually right, but if you notice any of the warning signs of infidelity, the likelihood of your partner cheating increases. Surviving an extra-marital affair is just as difficult as the discovery, so make sure that you have a master plan of action as to how you will cope if infidelity is discovered.
Watch for the following top 20 signs of infidelity:
- Cheating spouse spends more time away from home. The cheater needs to spend more time with his/her love interest so he/she must make up more excuses to be away, such as working late, unexplained errands, and increased travel.
- Cheating husband or wife has noticeable cell phone habit changes. The cheater doesn't answer his/her phone around you, turns the ringer off, or takes longer than usual to call you back. If you have access to the cheating partner's cell phone bill, check for calls made during odd times or of long duration.
- Cheater's clothes smell of alcohol, smoke, perfume or cologne.
- Cheating spouse clears his/her computer history, utilizes free email accounts such as g-mail, yahoo, hot-mail, etc..., spends odd hours or unusually long times on the computer, or changes screen display when you enter the room.
- Cheater is not interested in sex as much.
- Cheating husband or wife is unusually defensive or starts ignoring you.
- Cheating spouse starts using cash more often.
- Cheating spouse suddenly starts doing his/her own laundry or dropping off his/her own dry cleaning.
- Cheating spouse has higher than usual car mileage.
- Cheating husband or wife wants to travel and attend functions alone.
- Cheater has unexplained receipts in his/her car, wallet or desk.
- Cheating spouse suddenly joins a gym, changes his/her diet, gets a new hair style, starts visiting tanning salons, or buys new clothes and/or lingerie.
- The cheating spouse begins bathing or showering more frequently.
- Cheating husband or wife asks about your schedule more often than usual.
- Cheating spouse stops cuddling, kissing or holding hands.
- A cheater may have new or unusual sexual requests.
- A cheating spouse is often "too tired" for you.
- A cheater will often lose interest in domestic activities such as spending time with the kids, or doing chores because he/she need this time for their affair.
- Cheating husband or wife becomes unusually nice, brings you more gifts than usual, and is more affectionate because of guilt feelings and time spent away.
- Cheater starts finding fault in everything you do to justify the affair in his/her mind.